We help people, churches and society talk about faith and sexuality.
Featured resources
Kaleidoscope: A Free Resource for Youth Groups
Blog | 3 mins
Why We Don’t Think We’re Going to Hell
Blog | 2 mins
Isn’t the Christian Sexual Ethic Harmful and Repressive? (Explore Questions #2)
Podcasts | 31 mins
Does Living Out Support ‘Gay Cure’ or ‘Reparative Therapy’?
Articles | 7 mins
Kaleidoscope is our video-based series for youth groups. The six episodes include story videos, Bible teaching, and panel discussions, as well as plenty of opportunities to pause and get a conversation going in your youth group.
Hit the link below to learn more and to access the series.
Why I Don’t Present Both Sides of the Argument
Andrew explains why he doesn't feel it would be right for him to present both sides of the Christian argument on same-sex relationships.
Don’t Miss the Role Models
Andrew shares how he can easily miss good role models and encourages adult singles not to miss the role models around them.
Podcast Series: Bible Encouragements
What encourages you to keep going when life feels hard? In this podcast series, we reflect on Bible passages that have encouraged us.
Everyone at Living Out has a story to tell of God's wonderful love and the impact that following Jesus has on our lives. Listen to same-sex attracted Christians tell their different stories of enjoying their new identity in Christ.
'Walking into church on a Sunday is a bit like coming home. It’s like walking into a family living room.'
'Churches that have supported me well are those that say, "this is who you are, be part of us".'
'I don't see myself as straight, gay, ex-gay or halfway in between. My sexual identity is in Christ.'
What Does God Really Say?
What does God really say about sex and sexuality? Is what we assume the real story?
Isn’t the Christian Sexual Ethic Harmful and Repressive?
Does following the biblical teaching on sexuality cause us harm or is the Christian sexual ethic actually life-giving and healthy?
Christian + Same-Sex Attracted: Is it Doable?
Is it possible to live as a same-sex attracted Christian without compromising biblical teaching on sex and marriage?
Isn’t God Being Unfair?
Is God being unfair in asking same-sex attracted people to give up having sex?
Is It Just Me?
Am I alone in my struggles or are there others who think and feel like I do?
How Important Is All This?
Is sexuality really a big deal? Shouldn't we all just agree to disagree?
Will I Ever Feel at Ease With Myself and My Sexuality?
Are we defined by our sexuality or can we have a deeper and more lasting identity?
Is Living Out Just a Bunch of Crazy People?
Who's behind Living Out and what kind of things do you believe in?