You may be familiar with UK government proposals to ban conversion therapy (or reparative therapy as it is sometimes called). Here at Living Out we have been engaging with the proposals and tracking developments carefully. We’ve developed a number of resources to help you think through the issues for yourself.
Living Out’s position
Does Living Out Support ‘Gay Cure’ or ‘Reparative Therapy’?
In this article, our Ministry Director, Ed Shaw, outlines Living Out’s opposition to conversion therapy.
Should Conversion Therapy Be Banned? (Questions No One Wants To Answer #1)
We discussed the question of whether conversion therapy should be banned in the first episode of our podcast series, ‘Questions No One wants to Answer’.
Conversion Therapy Ban Consultation
The Living Out team reflect on the upcoming conversion therapy ban and encourage responses to the Government consultation.
Personal reflections
Ban Conversion Therapy, But Don't Ban Support
In this blog, Andrew shares how important it is that appropriate spiritual support, support that has benefited him and many others like him, is not criminalised through a conversion therapy ban.
My New Interest in Human Rights
Written amidst an earlier stage of discussions about the upcoming ban, Ed here reflects on the importance of any ban upholding human rights for all people.
Anne shares her deep concern about the trajectory of the conversion therapy conversation.
Have I Been Subjected to Torture?
Andrew investigates claims that things he has experienced should be considered to be torture.
A review of Greg Johnson’s book, Still Time to Care: What We Can Learn from the Church’s Failed Attempt to Cure Homosexuality, which explores the failure of the ex-gay movement and a better way forward for the church.
Meet the Authors #17 - Greg Johnson
In this episode we discuss gay shame, the history of the ex-gay movement and how to move from 'cure' to care for sexual minorities.
You can find all our resources on the topic of conversion therapy here.