Colchester Living Out Course

Saturday 14 May 2022

Living Out wants to help churches understand how they can better help those who experience same-sex attraction to stay faithful to biblical teaching on sexual ethics and flourish at the same time.

The course will offer a positive biblical vision and practical steps forward as we seek to model both grace and truth in our Christ-like love for all those who experience same-sex attraction. For this event in Colchester, we are also spending one of the sessions thinking through questions around transgender.

The Living Out team will share their insight and stories as same-sex attracted Christians who hold to traditional biblical teaching on sexual ethics and who have spoken and written on this subject widely.

Living Out is delighted to be bringing you this day of training in association with the Evangelical Alliance, and it is open to all Christians. While there are opportunities on the day to ask questions about what the Bible teaches in this area, those speaking are committed to the Evangelical Alliance's biblical and pastoral position with respect to homosexuality, summarised in these affirmations. The focus of the day will be how we can uphold these truths and love and serve same-sex attracted people in our churches and society.


Colchester - further details on registration


Saturday 14 May 2022  


Registration from 9:15am with the day starting at 9:30am and finishing at 1pm, tea/coffee will be provided.

Covid Precautions

Face coverings are no longer “a legal requirement in public indoor venues”. If, however, you would feel more comfortable wearing one, then please feel free to do so.