In this show the team discuss how we can teach on biblical sexuality to our young people. We talk about the importance of painting the bigger picture of sexuality throughout Scripture and setting it in the context of God's heart for his people and the gospel which is good news for everyone.
We discuss how to tackle the passages that specifically mention homosexuality and give some ideas of things to think about when teaching young people about sex. We also discuss lots of tricky questions that we've been asked and think about how to handle them in a clear, biblical and compassionate way.
Discussion questions
- Do you have a good understanding of what the Bible says about sexuality? If not, what’s your next step in learning?
- How can you teach this in a way that doesn’t compromise on truth, but also extends grace and sensitivity to your various listeners?
- How would you answer the common questions raised in this episode? (Perhaps practice on each other!)
Resources mentioned and related
- Youth Leaders' Crash Course podcast page
- What Is Sexuality for? Ed Shaw
- What Does God Really Say About Sexuality? (Explore Questions #1)
- Straight Youth Leader, Please Teach on Sexuality Ashleigh Hull
- Evaluating the Top Biblical Affirming Arguments Andrew Bunt
- Isn’t the Christian Sexual Ethic Harmful and Repressive? Andrew Bunt
- Isn’t God Being Unfair?
- Christian + Same-Sex Attracted: Is It Doable?
- Is My Sexuality Who I Am? Andrew Bunt
- Aren’t We Just Picking Which Bits of the Old Testament Law Apply Today? Sam Allberry
- Lessons from a Week Teaching Teenagers About Sex Andrew Bunt
- Living in a Gray World Preston Sprinkle
- Purposeful Sexuality Ed Shaw
- Marriage as a Trailer
- The Prodigal Prophet Tim Keller (quote from p.138)