Ed Shaw | 1 year ago | 3 mins
Ed shares some wisdom from Francis Schaeffer that can help us as we seek to navigate a way through increasingly divisive conversations.
Andrew Bunt | 1 year ago | 3 mins
Andrew explains why he thinks awkward conversations are good for friendships and offers some advice on how to have them well.
Dan Reid | 1 year ago | 3 mins
Dan shares his reflections on the UK's first gay male dating show.
Ed Drew | 1 year ago | 3 mins
Ed Drew helps parents think about important lessons to teach their children.
Anne Witton | 1 year ago | 3 mins
Anne encourages us not to fall into the sunk cost fallacy if we've got into sexual sin.
Andrew encourages us to avoid fear or folly when it comes to navigating physical touch in friendships and instead to find the way of wisdom.
Gregory Coles | 1 year ago | 3 mins
Greg tells us about a conversation that got him thinking about the importance of understanding how people use language.
Andrew shows how a conversation between Jesus and the Sadducees can help us recognise some of Jesus's understanding of marriage.
'None of us can live without a lover. We all need to meet the lover of our souls who will never let us down and will love us forever.'
Dan shares some reflections on an important question: If my identity is in Jesus, to what extent can I embrace gay stereotypes?
'Lucy was chopping vegetables in the kitchen when her nine-year-old daughter, Holly, said, "Mum, I think I might be bisexual."'
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