Andrew highlights some resources for school teachers on gender and transgender.
Blog | Identity, Culture
What makes up 'who we really are'? Does our sexuality define us? Andrew explores this important question.
Articles | Sexuality, Identity
Andrew shares from his own experience why it's so important that sources of support are kept available for same-sex attracted Christians.
Blog | Same-Sex Attraction
Andrew introduces a new set of resources designed to offer help to parents, pastors and youth workers.
Blog | Identity
Is the gift of singleness a special ability to thrive as a single person, or is it simply the state of being single? Andrew explains.
Articles | Singleness & Marriage
How convincing are biblical arguments that same-sex sexual relationships are acceptable to God?
Articles | Bible
How should Jesus' attitude to nuclear family shape our own thinking and teaching? What does 'family' mean to Christians?
Articles | Family & Friends
How can nuclear families be more open to including single people in their lives? Andrew shares some thoughts.
Blog | Family & Friends
What are gender stereotypes, how do they show up in church and how can we shape godly ideas of what it means to be male and female?
Articles | Identity
Andrew reviews the expanded and updated edition of Andrew T. Walker's 'God and the Transgender Debate'.
Reviews | Identity
A guide to help pastors understand gender issues and know how to respond compassionately.
Many people feel that the Bible’s teaching on sex is old fashioned and oppressive. Can it really stand up in today’s culture?
Talks | Bible, Culture