What is human sexuality, our capacity for sexual desires and experiences, for? Explore God's design for life-giving sexuality.
Articles | Sexuality, Bible, Culture
Ed, Andrew and Anne discuss what the Bible and Jesus say on sex and why.
Podcasts | Sexuality, Bible
What's stopping us changing our minds on the morality of faithful, stable, sexual same-sex relationships?
Articles | Bible, Same-Sex Attraction
A look at the bigger picture of biblical sexuality, and an explanation of the specific biblical passages that mention homosexual behaviour.
How convincing are biblical arguments that same-sex sexual relationships are acceptable to God?
Articles | Bible
Andy reviews a book that he feels is unique and that he now recommends regularly.
Reviews | Same-Sex Attraction, Bible
Ed's book tackles the key question 'What is sexuality for?' and shows us that sexuality is a signpost to something far greater than itself.
Reviews | Sexuality, Bible
Ed shares how we can foster real communication over difficult questions by learning from the example of Jesus.
Blog | Culture, Church, Bible
Ours is not the first generation to be characterised by an obsession with sex. Biblical sexuality has always been revolutionary.
Articles | Sexuality, Bible
Ed thinks about the importance of letting Jesus speak to us.
Blog | Bible
What is friendship and why does it matter? We speak to Phil Knox about cultivating friendships with God and with other people.
Podcasts | Family & Friends, Bible, Singleness & Marriage
Many people feel that the Bible’s teaching on sex is old fashioned and oppressive. Can it really stand up in today’s culture?
Talks | Bible, Culture
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