We dive into the difficulties, joys and surprising blessings of following Christ as same-sex attracted believers.
Podcasts | Same-Sex Attraction
Use this 10-step audit to discover how biblically inclusive your church is and highlights area to work on.
Articles | Church
This article explores the inconsistency in some forms of inclusive church and suggests ways that our churches can be biblically inclusive.
Encouragement and hope for single people from disadvantaged backgrounds who don’t experience some of the purported benefits of singleness.
Articles | Singleness & Marriage
As a single, same-sex attracted man, Stuart shares how he finds his needs for intimacy are met in godly friendships and church community.
Podcasts | Same-Sex Attraction, Singleness & Marriage
How should Jesus' attitude to nuclear family shape our own thinking and teaching? What does 'family' mean to Christians?
Articles | Family & Friends
Anne reviews a much-needed book that will make us feel uncomfortable and provoke all of us to challenge our assumptions.
Reviews | Church
Dani reveals the amazing ultimate meaning and value of singleness and celibacy.
In this piece, Anne examines the church and church teaching against widely held definitions of homophobia.
One church's experience of running a community group for same-sex attracted people.
Kate shares why she felt called by God to make a public committment to singleness. We also explore how churches can value single people.
Podcasts | Singleness & Marriage
Anne shares her story of coming to faith from a gay background and explains how we can have gospel and missional confidence on sexuality.
Talks | Sexuality, Culture
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