Anne shares her story and discusses inclusive church, listening to all LGBT voices and the grief of coming out of a gay relationship.
Podcasts | Same-Sex Attraction, Church
Anne shares about one common aspect of lesbian relationships that has helped her to see the goodness of God's plan for sex and marriage.
Blog | Same-Sex Attraction
Anne offers some ideas for making women’s conferences and social events more inclusive and appealing.
Blog | Church
Anne reviews a theology of periods which offers thought-provoking insights that will help both men and women.
Reviews | Bible
We note how the Bible shows the equal worth of women and men while recognising our differences that mean we're not simply interchangeable.
Podcasts | Identity, Bible
Anne reviews a book designed to help women who are accessing porn or engaging in sexual fantasies to see that purity is possible.
Reviews | Same-Sex Attraction, Sexuality
Rebecca McLaughlin helps us to think through one of the big questions of our day.
Blog | Culture
Anne talks of some of the benefits & challenges of being single & how churches can best support those who are single for different reasons.
Talks | Singleness & Marriage
Ed tells us about some pushback to a comment he made back in 2020 and how he has come to nuance his perspective.
Links to the latest articles, resources and insights. Sent monthly.
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