We dive into the difficulties, joys and surprising blessings of following Christ as same-sex attracted believers.
Podcasts | Same-Sex Attraction
Anne reflects on the place of same-sex attraction in her life.
Blog | Same-Sex Attraction, Identity
Anne shares her story of coming to faith from a gay background and explains how we can have gospel and missional confidence on sexuality.
Talks | Sexuality, Culture
Simon shares his experience of same-sex attraction and ministry.
Podcasts | Same-Sex Attraction, Sexuality, Identity
The first in a series of talks by Tim and Kathy Keller at our Identity in Christ Conference.
Talks | Identity, Culture
Jeanette shares her experiences of early gender confusion and leaving her gay lifestyle because of the greater love of Jesus.
The first series of the Living Out podcast, 'Meet the Authors', featured interviews with some of those who have written for our website.
Blog | Same-Sex Attraction, Singleness & Marriage
'The search deep down behind sex in our society is the search for intimacy.'
Stories | Same-Sex Attraction
I came to hear the story of Jackie Hill Perry, a gay girl who became a Christian, and I left loving Jesus that little bit more.
Reviews | Same-Sex Attraction
We chat to Paul about how we know which of our desires are good, and his experience of mixed-orientation marriage.
Podcasts | Same-Sex Attraction, Identity, Sexuality
Andrew tells us how a recent conversation has challenged him about the importance of giving a more rounded picture of Christian life.
Blog | Same-Sex Attraction, Church
'Walking into church on a Sunday is a bit like coming home. It’s like walking into a family living room.'