Thank You

Thank you so much for your contribution towards the ongoing ministry of Living Out. We’re thrilled to be partnering with you.

It’s thanks to generous donations from brothers and sisters like you that we’re able to travel to churches up and down the country to share faithful Biblical teaching on sexuality and how we can best love, serve and equip our LGBTQ+ church family members and those who seek to care for them. Here is a recent example of some encouraging feedback we’ve received from a youth event earlier this year:


“I just wanted to send this message to thank you all. I am a teenager and for many years I really struggled with the Biblical teaching on sexuality as some of my closest friends came out to me, some of them who have been so hurt by people using faith as an excuse to judge them. I was so torn because I just couldn’t understand how to navigate being a Christian and also being a good friend to them and I didn’t really know exactly where I stood on the topic. Part of me wished the Bible said something else, but I knew deep down that it didn’t. At my youth club, two people from your team came and talked to us about the topic – Anne and Andy. Hearing what you had to say changed my perspective forever. I remember particularly Anne talking about the Bible as a love letter written to us as Christians and Jesus as the love of her life, I had never thought about it like that before.  A few months later, I started listening to the Living Out podcast. I have found it so encouraging in my walk with Jesus. The love you all have for Jesus and for each other is so inspiring. So thank you so much for everything you do. Your ministry is so relevant and real, and so beneficial. Living Out has definitely changed my life for the better and helps me to grow in love for Jesus as I hear about the ways He is working in your lives and the lives of people around you. It’s also amazing to hear my brothers and sisters in Christ from another country and to know that I have spiritual family across the world.


Please pray for the Good News of Christ to be at work in the hearts of those who engage with our resources and events – and know that we will be praying for you.

With very best wishes,

The Living Out Team

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