The Family of God 2023

Saturday 17th June 2023

Join us from 10.00-4.00 on Saturday 17th June in London for a day conference run by Living Out and True Freedom Trust. Our theme is “The family of God – the church as home for same-sex attracted Christians”. We’ll be looking at how same-sex attracted Christians can make the most of church and how the church can be an encouragement to them. So we've got two audiences in mind church leaders and Christians who experience same-sex attraction.

We will have two main sessions as we look at the church as bride and as family from Ephesians. There’ll be the chance to worship, hear stories and learn from each other. And in the middle session there is a choice of seminars:

Deep Friendships

They say that ‘friends are the family you choose’, but that doesn’t stop them from being messy. They allow us to enjoy healthy intimacy with others without the need for a sexual relationship. But sometimes we are tempted to put particular friendships on a pedestal. Other times we might not recognise friendships' importance enough. Simon & Laura will examine the biblical building blocks of friendship and share their thoughts on how to build healthy friendships that make the most of this gift that God has given us.

Identity and Sexual Temptation

One aspect of living with same-sex attraction is sexual temptation. How do we battle it? There’s plenty of help in Ephesians. Join Andrew as he thinks through the difference our identity in Christ makes and how we ‘put on the new self’.

The Perfect Church!

Should my church set up a dedicated support group for those with same-sex feelings? How can we train our pastoral care and small group leaders to be sensitive and wise in these matters? What do I need to consider to make teaching on sexuality clear, compassionate and balanced? Stuart will be considering some of these questions as he looks at how we can improve the support and welcome offered by our churches, even if he doesn't have the recipe for a perfect church!

We would love to see you there. Please book below.


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