Our friends at True Freedom Trust (TfT) are hosting a women's conference in February 2024.
Pleasing God - why worry about holiness?
Jane Gibbs will be speaking at the conference, and writes: Is holiness necessary for a Christian? Spoiler alert: YES. But why? What should motivate us? How do we become more like Christ?
Paul teaches us to "...make it our goal to please Him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it." (2 Cor 5:6). We find answers to questions on holiness from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians, chapters 5 and 6. I won't be giving a set of rules to follow, but we will be embracing salvation by faith alone through Christ alone!
Talk 1: Pleasing God- Make it our aim 2 Corinthians 5 vs 1-10
What are we here for? What is the point of life? We know that life here can be hard and many things are not right. The Bible calls our existence a type of groaning. But God has made us for a much better purpose: our heavenly dwelling with Him. But until we are there, how are we to live now? We need to "make it our aim " to please God. We look at what this means and the why and how we are to do it.
Talk 2: Pleasing God- Make it our practice 2 Corinthians 6 vs 1-18
The writings of Paul in the New Testament come under particular attack today, especially in the area of sex. It was no different in the time of the Corinthian church. Why should we trust what Paul writes as we try and navigate our lives today? We look at how he defended himself then and how we can today. We also look at his very practical advice on how to live a godly life keeping our minds, souls and bodies pure.
Who is this for?
Although Jesus’s invitation to belong is for all people, we aim this event at women who experience same-sex attraction and who seek to hold to a traditional biblical sexual ethic, and also for those sisters in Christ who walk alongside them. To enable everyone to feel safe to share, you need to be a member of TFT to come.
- Date: Saturday 24 February 2024
- Time: 10am
- Location: Central London