Kate Wharton reviews a book on singleness that she feels should be read by a wide range of people.
Reviews | Singleness & Marriage
What is sex really for and what bigger reality does it point to? The example of a movie trailer can help us.
Articles | Sexuality, Singleness & Marriage
Use this 10-step audit to discover how biblically inclusive your church is and highlights area to work on.
Articles | Church
Ed, Andrew and Anne discuss what the Bible and Jesus say on sex and why.
Podcasts | Sexuality, Bible
Is the gift of singleness a special ability to thrive as a single person, or is it simply the state of being single? Andrew explains.
Articles | Singleness & Marriage
Anne reflects on some of the ways that her struggle with same-sex attraction has helped her grow and experience deeper intimacy with Jesus.
Articles | Same-Sex Attraction
Encouragement and hope for single people from disadvantaged backgrounds who don’t experience some of the purported benefits of singleness.
As a single, same-sex attracted man, Stuart shares how he finds his needs for intimacy are met in godly friendships and church community.
Podcasts | Same-Sex Attraction, Singleness & Marriage
How should Jesus' attitude to nuclear family shape our own thinking and teaching? What does 'family' mean to Christians?
Articles | Family & Friends
How can nuclear families be more open to including single people in their lives? Andrew shares some thoughts.
Blog | Family & Friends
Anne shares about the pain of childlessness and the Christian hope for those of us who don't have biological children.
Dani reveals the amazing ultimate meaning and value of singleness and celibacy.
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