Secure in Singleness

Anne Witton
Talks 55 mins

This talk was originally given at the Northern Women's Conventions in Manchester, Leeds and Stockton in November 2019 and February 2020.

Talk outline

  • The cultural story [03:15]
    - Sex, intimacy, singleness and virginity in advertising, branding, film and the news
    - The legacy of the sexual revolution
  • The church's story [10:50]
    - Marriage idolatry and purity culture
    - The difficulty of thriving as a single person in church
  • The Bible's story [18:05]
    - Identity in Christ
    - Marriage and sex: the gospel on display
    - Singleness, intimacy and family: challenging the cultural narrative
    - Mission: the top job
  • Living the counter-cultural story [32:53]
    - Addressing the pain of singleness
    - Radical Christian community
    - Intimacy in Christ

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