In this series, the team and guests take a tour of Ed Shaw's book, The Plausibility Problem, looking at the misstep he identifies in each chapter. This first episode explores the question of whether our identity is our sexuality.
We discuss what part sexuality plays in shaping our identity, how we can find an identity rooted in Christ and how we can balance the reality of our struggles with sin with our status as children of God.
Resources mentioned and related
- The Plausibility Problem Ed Shaw
- The Plausibility Problem: A Review Steve Ward
- Should I Call Myself Gay? (Questions No One Wants To Answer #2)
- The Christian Debate Over Sexual Identity: Orientation And Labelling Sam Allberry
- It’s Not My Identity, But It Is My Story Anne Witton
- Is My Sexuality Who I Am? Andrew Bunt
- Finding Your Best Identity Andrew Bunt
- Finding Your Best Identity: A Review Alicia Barwick
- Meet the Authors #23 - Andrew Bunt
- The Joy of Pets Anne Witton
- Gentle and Lowly Dane Ortlund
- Deeper Dane Ortlund