Quick Guides on Gender Identity and Trans Identification

Andrew Bunt 2 years ago
Blog 3 mins
Found in: Identity

You don’t have to look far to spot that gender identity and transgender are prominent topics in our culture. Chances are that if you lead or look after people – especially young people – you are encountering individuals who are questioning their gender or identifying as transgender. Many of us feel unsure how to best love and respond to people in these situations, and so there’s a real need for accessible information and advice.

That’s why the Christian Medical Fellowship’s Gender and Sexuality Working Group, a group I have the privilege of being a part of, have recently released a set of quick guides on gender identity and trans identification. We hope these guides will be a useful first stop for anyone looking to gain some understanding of these experiences and some wisdom on how to support those who are navigating them.

We’ve produced separate guides for parents, pastors and youth workers, each of which can be found here on the Living Out website. We’ve also written a guide for medical professionals which can be accessed on the Christian Medical Fellowship’s website. All the guides can be read as online articles or downloaded as a PDFs.

Why not take a few minutes to look at the guides and share them with people who you think might find them helpful?