A recent online comment piece said this about us:
'…Living Out, has just released the Kaleidoscope course aimed at 11- to 18-year-olds, which tells them they will go to hell if they are gay.'
This is a cruel and inaccurate misrepresentation – especially for any gay young people reading it.
If that’s you, please don’t believe that your sexual desires determine your eternal future.
What determines your eternal future is how you respond to Jesus: whether or not you trust in the eternal reality that Jesus loves you and shows you how best to live, and whether you will repent and seek his forgiveness for the many ways that you – like all of us – have ignored God and damaged yourself, other people, and creation.
At Living Out we’re a group of gay people who know that, because of Jesus’s life, death and resurrection and our response to him, we’re not going to hell. And we know that through Jesus we have been given a new identity as God’s dearly loved daughters and sons. What is true of us, can be true of anyone, regardless of the pattern of their sexual desires. If you want to discover more about this, please do explore Kaleidoscope for yourself and the many other resources on our website.