Ed Shaw (one of our founders) seeks to provide a clear summary of how Living Out as an organisation answers this question.
Articles | Same-Sex Attraction
What is human sexuality, our capacity for sexual desires and experiences, for? Explore God's design for life-giving sexuality.
Articles | Sexuality, Bible, Culture
Ed shares some of the resources available to help you talk to young people about faith and sexuality.
Blog | Church
What's stopping us changing our minds on the morality of faithful, stable, sexual same-sex relationships?
Articles | Bible, Same-Sex Attraction
How can the highly acclaimed film 'All of Us Strangers' point us to Jesus? Ed shares his thoughts.
Blog | Culture, Sexuality, Same-Sex Attraction
In this article Ed Shaw seeks to make personal sense of why he – and others – are sexually attracted to their own sex.
Ed shares how we can foster real communication over difficult questions by learning from the example of Jesus.
Blog | Culture, Church, Bible
Ed explains that sexual ethics have wide implications for theology and Christian discipleship
Articles | Church
Ed thinks about the importance of letting Jesus speak to us.
Blog | Bible
A moving personal account of growing up experiencing same-sex attraction in evangelical circles, but sadly weak in handling the Bible.
Reviews | Same-Sex Attraction
Ed reflects on something good that has come out of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Blog | Family & Friends, Singleness & Marriage
Ed shares a poem that might encourage those who are experiencing any form of grief or sorrow this Christmas.
Links to the latest articles, resources and insights. Sent monthly.
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