Sam unpacks questions of same-sex attraction and orientation, and whether or not it’s appropriate to use the label “gay Christian.”
Articles | Identity
A look at the bigger picture of biblical sexuality, and an explanation of the specific biblical passages that mention homosexual behaviour.
Articles | Bible, Same-Sex Attraction
Sam Allberry encourages us look again at what the Bible has to say about our bodies.
Blog | Bible
We talk to Sam about his latest books on singleness and sexual ethics, and explore themes of consent, community and the purpose of marriage.
Podcasts | Sexuality, Singleness & Marriage
Sam explores whether we're guilty of taking a 'pick and mix' approach to Scripture, especially when it comes to homosexuality.
Articles | Bible
Sam explores the reasons why Christians can't simply 'agree to disagree' on the subject of same-sex sexual relationships.
Sam tells us a little about the newly released, updated version of his book 'Is God Anti-Gay?'.
Blog | Same-Sex Attraction, Bible
'The One who made me and knows me better than I know myself is going to know what's good for me.'
Stories | Same-Sex Attraction
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