Dan shares practical wisdom from the Bible and his own experience.
Blog | Sexuality
Dan gives some helpful perspective to help us when we're tempted to devalue a life of singleness or envy other people's milestones.
Blog | Singleness & Marriage
Dan shares about supportive friendships, freedom from shame and regret following sexual experimentation, and his experience of singleness.
Podcasts | Same-Sex Attraction, Singleness & Marriage
Dan shares his reflections on the UK's first gay male dating show.
Blog | Culture, Same-Sex Attraction
Whoever you are, help is at hand in Sam Allberry’s short, accessible book Is God Anti-Gay?
Reviews | Same-Sex Attraction, Bible
Dan considers the question, 'How can we have better conversations about dating?'
Blog | Culture, Family & Friends
'Somehow, it’s taken me until now to recognise I felt and still feel shame about my sexuality.'
Blog | Same-Sex Attraction
'I would thoroughly recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand what God says about our bodies and how we should respond to that.'
Reviews | Identity, Bible
Dan shares some reflections on an important question: If my identity is in Jesus, to what extent can I embrace gay stereotypes?
Blog | Same-Sex Attraction, Culture
Dan shares how Christmas can remind us of our true home.