About Us

How to support us

Living Out is a charity run by Christians who experience same-sex attraction. It aims to encourage Christians, equip churches, and engage the world with God’s plan for sexuality and identity.

Living Out is committed to helping churches support same-sex attracted Christians and teach wisely and compassionately on sexuality. It has a raft of resources including stories, videos, animations and blogs as well as an extremely popular podcast.

The team speaks regularly on sexuality, gender, and faith at local churches and large events across the country and overseas. Everything it does is focused on providing clear teaching on biblical sexuality, rooted in the gospel and framed by God's good creation and ultimate redemption.  

To do all this we need your help.

Will you partner with us through prayer and financial giving, as we work to share God’s good news about faith and sexuality?

Support Living Out

If you have any questions about giving to Living Out or our work, please contact us here.

Living Out is a UK registered charity No. 1165572.

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