Limitless TV: God and Sexuality

Andrew Bunt 6 months ago
Blog 2 mins

Young people are full of questions about sexuality and faith: Does God hate gay people? What does the Bible really say? Isn’t Christian teaching unfair and harmful?

That’s why we are really pleased we’ve been able to partner with Limitless to produce a series of Limitless TV on the topic of sexuality.

Limitless TV is a free resource designed for use in church youth groups. Each episode of the show features an opening challenge (which you can watch or replicate at your youth gathering), teaching content, and questions to get a discussion going.

In this series, Ashleigh and I join Tim Alford for discussions on key questions related to sexuality. See the episode list below for the questions tackled in each episode.

All episodes of the series have now been released and can be accessed for free on YouTube.

If you’re a youth leader, head over to YouTube and take a look to get a feel for the series. If you’re not, why not share this post with those serving the young people in your church?

Limitless TV: God and Sexuality

Ep.1 – Can gay people be Christians?
Ep.2 – Does God hate gay people?
Ep.3 – Why listen to the Bible on sexuality?
Ep.4 – What does God really say about sexuality?
Ep.5 – Isn't the Bible's teaching on sexuality harmful?
Ep.6 – Isn't the Bible's teaching on sexuality unfair?
Ep.7 – Doesn't the Bible's teaching on sexuality ask people to deny who they really are?

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