Something for Youth Leaders

Andrew Bunt 3 years ago
Blog 2 mins
Found in: Sexuality, Culture, Identity

For anyone working with teenagers today, sexuality and gender identity are two of the big, unavoidable topics. Every day the young people we serve are being bombarded with news and views about these subjects, often from a perspective that is radically different from that of the Bible. And for many young people, these topics won’t just be things they’re hearing about, they’ll also be part of their own lives as they seek to navigate their personal experiences of sexuality and gender.

We know that many youth leaders are looking for help with these topics, and we have a number of resources designed to equip those working with teenagers. We also love partnering with other organisations who are seeking to do the same.

One such organisation is Limitless. I recently had a chance to join Tim Alford, the National Director of Limitless, to record two podcasts for youth leaders, one on sexuality and the other on gender identity. I hope these podcasts will be helpful to anyone who works with teenagers and who is looking to better engage with them on these two topics.

You can also find the podcasts on the Limitless website.

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