'When you look at us, we don’t look very impressive. Yet when you stop and really take us in you will see the very power of God.'
Blog | Same-Sex Attraction
Adam offers a reflection on what those of us who come out as same-sex attracted most need.
If we didn't choose our sexual attractions, does that mean we can or should always act on them? Adam explores 'born this way' ideology.
Articles | Same-Sex Attraction, Identity
I came to hear the story of Jackie Hill Perry, a gay girl who became a Christian, and I left loving Jesus that little bit more.
Reviews | Same-Sex Attraction
Adam shares his reflections on Vicky Beeching's autobiography.
Adam reviews a recently released book that helps readers evaluate Christian arguments in favour of same-sex sexual relationships.
Reviews | Bible
'Heartache is real, and heartache hurts. But as real as heartache is, so is beauty.'
If there is a God, and another world after this one, then what we do in this life, and particularly what we do with our sexuality, matters.
Articles | Sexuality, Culture
Andy Angel's book explores the sexuality of Jesus. It offers a good reminder of Jesus' humanity, but does it go too far?
Reviews | Bible, Sexuality
An introduction to, and brief critique of, Queer Theology.
Articles | Culture
Adam reviews a book that will equip busy Christian parents.
Reviews | Culture, Family & Friends
Are Queer Theologians who argue that Jesus slept around right? Here Adam explores how Jesus expressed his sexuality.
Articles | Sexuality, Bible
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