Andy reviews a book that he feels is unique and that he now recommends regularly.
Reviews | Same-Sex Attraction, Bible
Andy reflects on how Psalm 146 can help us to keep our friendships healthy.
Blog | Family & Friends, Same-Sex Attraction
Andy talks about being a single, same-sex attracted church leader. We also discuss his article on exorcism and address pastoral support.
Podcasts | Same-Sex Attraction, Singleness & Marriage
Andy shares why he's looking forward to our upcoming event: Exiles.
Andy reflects on three pairs that churches need to hold together when thinking about sexuality.
Blog | Church
Andy offers his reflections on Pride month.
Blog | Culture
In the first of a series of posts on good pastoral support, Andy shares wisdom on starting a pastoral conversation.
Blog | Same-Sex Attraction, Church
Andy reviews a book that has helped him to enjoy intimacy with Jesus.
Reviews | Bible
Andy discusses (and discourages) the use of exorcism in pastoral practice around same-sex attraction.
Articles | Church, Same-Sex Attraction
Andy outlines how the Bible's realism can comfort and encourage us when our Christian beliefs on sexuality impact our relationships.
Blog | Same-Sex Attraction, Family & Friends
Andy explains why he thinks Song of Songs is a good text for a Christmas day sermon.
Blog | Bible
Andy draws on 1 Peter to consider how we should respond when accused of homophobia or harm for holding to biblical teaching on sexuality.
Blog | Bible, Culture, Church
Links to the latest articles, resources and insights. Sent monthly.
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