Dani reveals the amazing ultimate meaning and value of singleness and celibacy.
Articles | Singleness & Marriage
In the first of two articles, Dani explains why the celibate life is an ordinary one of grace-enabled, godly obedience.
How can the writing of earlier generations of Christians challenge our cultural blindness when it comes to singleness?
Dani Treweek reviews Andrew's short booklet, 'People Not Pronouns: Reflections on Transgender Experience.
Reviews | Identity, Bible
What day is the loneliest of your year? Dani shares why for some people it's New Year's Eve.
Blog | Singleness & Marriage
Some see 1 Corinthians 7:9 as showing that marriage is God's answer for those who can't control their passions. But is this really the case?
Articles | Singleness & Marriage, Bible
Dani explains her research into singleness and explores a richer understanding of God’s design for singleness, marriage and sexuality.
Podcasts | Singleness & Marriage
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