Ed Shaw (one of our founders) seeks to provide a clear summary of how Living Out as an organisation answers this question.
Articles | Same-Sex Attraction
Andrew shares from his own experience why it's so important that sources of support are kept available for same-sex attracted Christians.
Blog | Same-Sex Attraction
What is conversion therapy and should it be made illegal?
Podcasts | Culture, Same-Sex Attraction
In this episode we discuss gay shame, the history of the ex-gay movement and how to move from 'cure' to care for sexual minorities.
Podcasts | Same-Sex Attraction, Church
Ed explains why he has sent a formal legal opinion highlighting his human rights to government ministers.
Blog | Culture
We discuss what biblical inclusion means for same-sex attracted Christians in leadership and highlight the danger of promises of 'healing'.
Podcasts | Church, Same-Sex Attraction
Andrew investigates claims that things he has experienced should be considered to be torture.
The Living Out team reflect on the upcoming conversion therapy ban and encourage responses to the Government consultation.
Andrew shares some reflections on the newly released Netflix documentary 'Pray Away'.
Blog | Same-Sex Attraction, Church
Andrew examines recent research that is being used to call for legislation that would harm those it claims to protect.
Blog | Culture, Identity
The team take an honest look at ways Christians have harmed LGBT people in the past, whilst showing the goodness of biblical sexuality.
Podcasts | Sexuality
We discuss human identity, idolatry of relationships, ways of describing sexual orientation and research into the fluidity of sexuality.
Podcasts | Same-Sex Attraction, Sexuality
Links to the latest articles, resources and insights. Sent monthly.
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