Greg Coles lays down a challenge to churches who may not feel ready to start a conversation about faith and sexuality.
Blog | Church
Katherine explains the importance of telling stories if we want to connect with younger generations.
Blog | Church, Culture
An experienced church leader shares his advice on how to teach on sex, gender and identity, including preparation and follow-up tips.
Articles | Church, Sexuality
What cultural and biblical context do we need to bear in mind as we teach on sexuality and gender?
Podcasts | Church, Sexuality
Ed shares how his family of churches recently took time to engage with the topic of sexuality.
Blog | Church, Bible
For over a year, we have been beavering away on a top-secret project. Now we are ready to introduce… Kaleidoscope.
Blog | Sexuality, Bible, Church, Same-Sex Attraction, Identity, Culture
'I tend now to avoid the phrase ‘biblical and compassionate’ as though they are somehow two separate things.'
Blog | Bible, Church
Ashleigh offers encouragement to youth leaders who might not feel qualified to teach on sexuality.
Andrew shares lessons he learnt from running a seminar stream at a youth festival.
Blog | Bible, Same-Sex Attraction, Sexuality, Church
We look at teaching widely and well on biblical sexuality and dive into some tough questions about Scripture that our young people ask.
Podcasts | Bible
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